Adults and juveniles of most raptor species have very different colors.
Cooper's Hawk
A medium-sized hawk with the classic accipiter shape: broad, rounded wings and a very long tail. In Cooper’s Hawks, the head often appears large, the shoulders broad, and the tail rounded.
Red-Tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawks are large hawks with typical Buteo proportions: very broad, rounded wings and a short, wide tail.
Ospreys are very large, distinctively shaped hawks. Despite their size, their bodies are slender, with long, narrow wings and long legs. Ospreys fly with a marked kink in their wings, making an M-shape when seen from below.
Bald Eagle
These regal birds aren’t really bald, but their white-feathered heads gleam in contrast to their chocolate-brown body and wings.
Eastern Screech Owl
These supremely camouflaged birds hide out in nooks and tree crannies through the day, so train your ears and listen for them at night.
Northern Harrier
Northern Harriers are slender, medium-sized raptors with long, fairly broad wings and a long, rounded tail. They have a flat, owl-like face and a small, sharply hooked bill. Harriers often fly with their wings held in a dihedral, or V-shape above the horizontal.