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Our Mission

To help raptors in need.

Each year, dozens of New Jersey's raptors find themselves in dangerous situations. Sometimes it is a young bird who has fallen out of its nest and is stuck on the ground. Sometimes it is a bird who has been the victim of a vehicle strike or has collided with a building. Sometimes it is a bird who has become sick and no longer has the strength to fly.

In most of these situations, a quick response from a caring human is all it takes to prevent an unfortunate situation from turning into a tragedy.

The NJ Raptor Alliance was formed to help organize an informal network to respond to wild raptors in need. Our mission is to help wild raptors thrive and prevent needless suffering. We further this goal by organizing and providing training for anyone willing to help.

Our alliance is a mix of wildlife managers, rehabilitators, veterinarians, and animals lovers organized to provide fast recovery, rehabilitation, and release of raptors needing help.

If you would like to help out, please consider joining the NJ Raptor Alliance network. We are looking for anyone willing to help recover grounded raptors and transport them to and from veterinary care.

Join the Alliance